
Spring Crocus Necklace and Hair Pins

I'm still enjoying the Spring Flowers...
Everything is so fragile and floating, I'd like to keep for a while the Beauty of Flower, at least...

With Love,


  1. Hi,sweetheart Diana:-)*

    These crocuses are so lively,so real...adorable colors and this ribbon is here absolutely cute!!!

    Like Spring SOoooooooooooooooo very much:-)))*

    My warmest spring hugs to you,

  2. Diana! It's beautiful....and I'm still amazed that you make those tiny little flowers look so lifelike.

    Have a great week, Sweetie!


    PS...I added your button to my blog, too!

  3. Fantastic!!!
    I love your delicate flowers!!!

  4. Hi Diana..
    Its really nice to see ur beautiful creations..
    I have checked ur etsy shop, and loved some flower bunch for hair.
    I want to buy some for me & for gift. but before buying it I have fear, that might hurt my hair, or it can break.. Sorry but I am not sure how you fixed it with hair pin. It will be great if you can show me..
    Waiting for your reply at


  5. Sweet Diana..Your Crocuses Are So Very B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L! Friend, I'm Forever Amazed At Your Work..Breathtaking Is What It Is! What A Glorious Gift To Be So Talented! You Have No Idea How Much I Treasure The One Piece I Have Of Yours. I Take Such Good Care Of It Because I Know It Was Made By Such Gifted Hands. Thank You For Your Sweet Visit Earlier. I Was A Nervous Wreck Making That Video. I'm Rather Shy And Have To Force Myself To Open Up To The World. Hugs Of Love & Friendship, Terri
